To book your appointment please call or text:
Give us your name, day and time of interest
The Benefits Of Infrared And Why You Must Try Out Burbank Infrared Sauna!
BurbankMom.com posted about her experience at our facility:

“This is not your typical sauna. This is not that steam sauna you find at the gym where the dudes come in pacing next to you back and forth singing aloud to music that disrupts the calmness , meanwhile the elderly lady next to you is eating and peeling oranges…in the sauna.”

Our podcast is now available on Ladyfox Entertainment, iTunes, Google Play, and Stitcher:
Listen to Jeannette speak passionately about how she began her business and the many health benefits of Full Spectrum Infrared (near/mid/far) sauna on this podcast from Ladyfox Entertainment.

Featured in the Burbank Leader!

We have been featured on the front page of the LA Times/Burbank Leader:
A new sauna in Burbank uses color light therapy, or chromotherapy, to heal clients’ bouts with depression, insomnia or anxiety. Or, it may just raise the heartbeats of those who are physically injured and can’t work out at a gym or those who are disabled.
About a month ago, longtime local resident Jeannette Tashjian opened Burbank Infrared Sauna, where clients spend 30 minutes sweating inside cedar wood saunas as tranquil music plays and they burn an estimated 600 calories by the time it’s over…..”
Come grab a package that fits your sweaty needs!!
Call or text for an appointment now –
What is Infrared Sauna?

Burbank Infrared Sauna is a health spa completely dedicated to your personal wellness journey through the use of private Health Mate Full Spectrum Infrared (near/mid/far) Saunas combined with LED Chromotherapy (light therapy) and essential oils.
Full Spectrum Infrared (near/mid/far) Therapy is the use of Full Spectrum Infrared (near/mid/far) rays to heal, stimulate and detox the physical body and mind. Full Spectrum Infrared (near/mid/far) rays are invisible waves of energy that have the ability to penetrate into the inner-most regions of the tissues, muscles and bone. Full Spectrum Infrared (near/mid/far) Therapy uses waves or rays of energy to slightly elevate the surface temperature of the body. When we do this, it enhances our body’s functioning on many levels.

Our Health Mate® saunas are crafted from 100% Western Red Cedar and our 100% green!
Our luxury saunas feature low EMF Tecoloy® Heaters
and are the leading creator of infrared wellness for over 40 years.


First Sweat $25.00 each when you buy your first sweat
Here at Burbank Infrared Sauna we want to help educate you on the vast health benefits of Full Spectrum Infrared (near/mid/far) Sauna Therapy.
As you lay back, relax, meditate, pray and sweat, you will be burning approximately 600 calories in a 30 minute sauna session.

Sweat Packages

(1) Single Sweat
(3) Sweats
(5) Sweats
(10) Sweats
(20) Sweats
After you have experienced your “first sweat” and you are ready to embark on your journey to great health, the packages are a perfect stepping stone.
Your packages never expire and may be shared with family and friends.


Unlimited Sweats for one month
*memberships are for individuals only and may not be shared.
Before your Session:
Before your Full Spectrum Infrared (near/mid/far) Sauna Session please hydrate! On a daily basis, most of us do not drink enough water. Once you start sweating with us regularly, hydration is key! You want to not only hydrate with water but also with a good source of electrolytes. Remove all makeup and come “fresh faced,” as it will allow your skin to receive the full benefits.
What to Wear:
We highly recommend you wear loose fitting clothing so that you may dress easily after your sweat session. We also recommend that you sauna in your “birthday suit,” as the more skin exposed, the greater the sweat and detox.
During your Session:
Each client is unique in their sweating journey. Some clients sweat after about 15 minutes into their first session, where others may take until the end of the session. Whatever your sweat pattern is; it is normal and once you start sweating on a regular basis you will be retraining your body to do what comes naturally. While you are in your private sauna, stay mindful of how your body is handling the session. You are always welcome to open the sauna door to inhale some fresh air and hydrate.
After your Session:
When you finish your 30 minute sauna session, you will still continue to perspire for a good 10 minutes. Please dry off in the sauna, then step out and repeat drying again. You may then dress and retreat to the lobby for hydration. We highly recommend you wait at least 20-30 minutes to shower after your session as you want to keep your heart rate up, continuing burning calories, and detoxing.
For general info, or to order a Gift Certificate, send us a message: